Tag: lists
My Ten Favorites of 2018
As the year comes to an end, I am sharing with you my eight of the best products, services, and places that I’ve tried in 2018. I hope you find a few to add to your bucket list. Plus, you might find a gift or two for you too (discount codes anyone?). Enjoy! Facial If…
Mommy Moments
Being a mother is a bittersweet journey, at least for myself. In one day, I can be the sweetest, most understanding, and balanced mother; and the next minute, I can be a horrible, screaming, eye-rolling mother, too. I can foster independence, yet I can helicopter at the same time (yes, I can do that). I…
Thank You!
My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. I love the meaning, I love it doesn’t involve giving or getting any material gifts, I love how families and friends gather to cook and break the bread to give thanks. Did I mentioned that I love the food, too? In Mexico we do not celebrate this holiday but it is…